Our Current Team

Early childhood educator
What I enjoy about my work
Seeing children happy and content achieving things for themselves, enjoying discovering and experimenting. Being able to cater for the needs of individual personalities, in particular by proposing a reassuring, playful and varied environment within which the child can evolve and progress.
My magic phrase
“Education is about taking children as they are, without imposing on them the image of what we think they should be.”
Children are...
...curious, creative and spontaneous.

& Early childhood educator
What I enjoy about my work
The diversity of tasks, the richness of encounters, being able to deliver for the children.
My magic phrase
"I don't set out to teach the children. I simply try to create the best conditions for them in which to learn.”
Children are...
…children, it’s simple 😉!

Financial administrator
What I enjoy about my work
Being organised and keeping the accounts in good order. Supporting the decision-making process for new projects and investments, for the good of the children.
My magic phrase
“Make your life a dream, and a dream a reality.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Children are...
…the expression of a complete and happy life.

Early childhood educator
What I enjoy about my work
Welcoming children in a gentle and serene way. Accompanying them in their growth with a smile and in good humour. Promoting their development in a stimulating and safe environment.
My magic phrase
Children must become inventors and innovators, not conformists. Educating them means fostering their inquisitive and creative spirits!
Children are...
…like butterflies in the wind, some may fly higher than others, but each of them flies in their own way.

Claudia G.
Early childhood educator
What I enjoy about my work
The unexpected, which is at the same time the particularity of our profession! Nothing is ever acquired, everything is always to be built with each child, each family, to adapt to their desires and individual needs.
My magic phrase
“You start to age when you finish learning.”
Japanese proverb
Children are...
…like surprise packages!!!

Claudia P.
Early childhood educator
What I enjoy about my work
Creative freedom and making children smile!
My magic phrase
"Don't seek happiness, create it!"
Children are...
…simple and spontaneous! They are naturally amazed by the smallest things, which makes the present moment rich in emotion and discoveries.

Social Education Assistant ('ASE')
What I enjoy about my work
The art of learning, engaging with children and shared moments together. Projects around motor development (gross motor skills), nature and the environment.
My magic phrase
“You cannot paint white on white or black on black. Each needs the other to reveal themselves.”
This African proverb means that differences deliver the cultural richness of mankind.
Children are...
…a source of inspiration in whom we build self-esteem through listening, a reassuring glance and individual support.

What I enjoy about my work
Accompanying children in their discoveries and in their relationships with others, to see them evolve and grow throughout the year.
My magic phrase
“What does my life matter! I just want to remain faithful to the child that I was until the end.”
George Bernanos
Children are...
…surprisingly inventive and poeticize everyday life.

Early childhood educator
& pedagogical assistant
What I enjoy about my work
An element of the unexpected, since we can let ourselves be surprised by the creations of children and perceive them as privileged opportunities for spontaneous learning.
My magic phrase
“Imagination is more important than knowledge because knowledge is limited while imagination encompasses the whole world, spurs progress, sparks evolution.”
Albert Einstein
Children are...
…curious by nature, this makes them true explorers of reality. The world they imagine today will be built tomorrow!

Auxiliary & Social Education
Assistant ('ASE') in training
What I enjoy about my work
Supporting children in their autonomy. Their spontaneity and frankness. Shared moments together. Receiving a cute glance, a sweet word or a hug in my day.
My magic phrase
" One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in 'The Little Prince'
Children are...
…from little sun’s, rays of love, kindness, spontaneity and creativity.

What I enjoy about my work
Being with children is a joy!
My magic phrase
“A smiling face is the most beautiful of all landscapes.”
Children are...
…the most beautiful creations in the world!

Early childhood educator
What I enjoy about my work
I appreciate the spontaneity and innocence of children, they are particularly good at seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary!
My magic phrase
“It is wonder that will save the world!”
Children are...
…full of resources, let's help them to make the most of them!

What I enjoy about my work
Sharing and engaging, with both colleagues and the children, is enriching! We impart but also learn every day.
My magic phrase
“Happiness is not always in an eternally blue sky, but in the simplest things in life”.
Children are...
…real sunshine, just one smile can brighten up your whole day.

What I enjoy about my work
Every day is different and you have to adapt according to both the dynamic of the group and the needs of each individual.
Excitement and joy, but also fatigue and sadness…are among the first emotions that children experience. Accompanying them on this journey, looking at the world through their eyes, is an infinite source of inspiration.
My magic phrase
“We have too much EVERYTHING and not enough NOTHING.”
Children are...
…little stars that we do our best to accompany in the sky of life, so that they find their place in order to let their light shine.

Backup auxiliary
What I enjoy about my work
Accompanying children in their development, and above all encouraging their creativity, prepares them to live their later adult life.
My magic phrase
“Children are luminous enigmas”
Daniel Pennac
Children are...
…all gifted! We must stimulate and nourish their innate curiosity, channel their energy and leave them free to express themselves!

Backup early childood
What I enjoy about my work
Everything! The inner richness of children and the teachings they bring us. Their joy, spontaneity, and the happiness of shared moments. The constantly evolving nature of the work and its diversity. The wonder of every moment. To follow the children’s development. The necessary adaptation to meet the needs of each personality. The pleasure of engaging with the children, their parents and with colleagues.
My magic phrase
“Three things have remained from Paradise: the stars of the night, the flowers of the day and the eyes of children.”
Children are...
…an open window to wonder and life.

Backup ASE
What I enjoy about my work
The contact with the children, making them smile on a daily basis. They have a lot to teach us, above all a magical way of seeing the world.
My magic phrase
It is the smallest feet that make the deepest imprints on our hearts.
Children are...
…without a past. And that's the whole mystery of the magical innocence of their smile.